International Medical Missions
Medical or surgical missions are a minimum of one to two weeks and are available on a rolling basis. Each student will be assigned a mentor or a preceptor at their host institution, who will assess the student's performance and give him/her a written report or certificate upon completion of the rotation.
Operation Smile - Worldwide
Operation Smile provides comprehensive surgical and medical treatment to children and adults with facial deformities in a variety of international sites on several continents such as: Africa, Asia and South America. Each mission is fully staffed with attending physicians, residents, medical students and other support personnel.
Mission to Heal - Kenya, Uganda, and the Philippines
We believe the world would be a better place if healthcare were more broadly distributed. Our story begins with founder and GW faculty member, Dr. Glenn W. Geelhoed, who has taken medical mission trips to points all over the globe for more than forty years. Inspired by his legacy, Mission to Heal provides surgery and surgical training to some of the most destitute people of the world in some of the most desolate places on the planet.