Recognized worldwide as one of the most important doctoral research centers in the country, the
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) is a private non-profit Catholic University, was founded in 1940 with the objective of developing knowledge based on humanistic values. The university now has 21,000 students who come from a variety of religious, ethnic, and social backgrounds.
Curriculum: PUC offers courses in a variety of fields that will complement the Elliott School graduate curriculum for students with an interest in Latin America, political science, and economics. The courses taught in English have content based on Brazilian and Latin American aspects, such as culture, literature, business, design, civilization, and history, among others. Along with the courses in English, international students must attend Portuguese as a Second Language class during their academic semester, as well as any other courses in Portuguese recommended by the coordinator.
English Curriculum Overview (PDF)
Enrollment and Transfer of Credit: All exchange students from the Elliott School are required to be enrolled at PUC as full-time students, for the equivalent of 9 or 10 GW credits. Students may earn up to 10 transfer credits from the partner for the Elliott School M.A. program. Students must earn the equivalent of a B grade or higher in a given course to be eligible for transfer credit.
- Grade 8,0 at PUC = Grade B at GW
- 3 credits at PUC = 3 credits at GW
Academic Calendar:
- Semester 1: approximately end of August-end of December
- Semester 2: approximately end of February-beginning of July
- A four-week intensive Portuguese program is offered in January and July.
Language of Instruction: Courses at PUC are taught in English and in Portuguese. Non-native Portuguese students are automatically enrolled in a “Portuguese as a Second Language” course.
Housing: PUC-Rio does not provide dorm facilities on campus but offers an enriching opportunity for students to experience the Brazilian way of life by placing students in a
homestay program. Students who elect to find their own housing should initially make temporary housing arrangements and then search for more permanent accommodations after arrival in the city.
Tuition and Fees: Students pay regular GW and Elliott School graduate tuition and fees for their participation in exchange programs, based upon 9 or 10 GW credit hours.
Important Application Information
Students must meet with their study abroad advisor prior to the study abroad deadline for their applications to be considered.
The Office of Graduate Student Services will review all applications received for each exchange program and will nominate students for available exchange positions based on the quality of the application materials submitted. Students who are nominated must complete applications with exchange partners as directed to be accepted and enrolled in the program. Due to the limited exchange spots available, the Office of Graduate Student Services strongly encourages students to apply to a backup program in the event they are not selected for nomination.